Jer & I went to my 24-week doctor's appointment this week and learned that Adon is now 1 pound, 10 ounces! He's doubled his weight in the last four weeks! I've been feeling pretty good. Had a nice reprieve from heartburn for a few days, but it came back today. I still have a fair bit of energy, but am more tired than a few weeks ago. We're into the third trimester this month. A co-worker commented this week that I didn't look big enough to be so far along, which made me feel really good considering the unkind bathroom scale as of late. I've done well limiting how much weight I've gained, but the last few weeks have been cruel with so many tasty treats and cold weather that makes everyone stay inside.
On a VERY good note, J has been the most amazing husband anyone could have asked for. Everyday this week, he has asked me what out plans are for the evening. I've responded with the list of chores that I fully intended to do, and he had them all finished by the time I got home from work. It was so nice to come home and relax with him instead of heading into my 2nd "full-time job." Don't get me wrong, I love to do housework and keep things in order, but these days I'm working extra hours to save up for maternity leave and am just plain worn out. I can't wait until I get to stay home and serve J!
J had his wisdom teeth pulled today and is passed out on the recliner. Poor guy. I love taking care of him and waiting on him! He invited his best friend, Caleb, to come and stay the night with us to keep him company and play video games while I have to work. :o) It's so nice to have someone who doesn't mind hanging out with you while you're half doped-out and catching flies as you snore with your mouth wide open. :o)
We got some really great news today!!! After weeks of putting together an application, interviewing and testing, J got word today that he's been accepted into paramedic school!!!! HOORAY!!!!! I'm so proud of him!