I guess I'll catch up on our monthly reviews sometime. Things have gotten a little crazy around here lately. J's school has never been more intense. He's doing team leads now, which means he rides with local fire departments and tells the crew what to do (even though his work is closely supervised) in preparation for real life after school is over. He spends every day that he's off work trying to meet all of the requirements in order to graduate. Graduation is getting closer and closer! His last day of school is December 17 and he graduates December 30. He's worked so hard and pushed himself more than I've ever seen him do before. I know it will be a big sigh of relief for our whole family when he's finished (not to mention the $500+ monthly payments). Praise the Lord for providing one month at a time so we didn't have to take on any debt for his schooling!!
Adon is doing some great and amazing things! The doctor says he's very advanced for his age...meaning at 6 months, he's doing what a 9 or 10 month old would be doing! He pulls himself up on everything and has walked the length of the couch...holding on, of course. It won't be long, though, before he can do it by himself! He's started real food about 3 weeks ago. He's had cereal and some green veggies. He cut his first tooth a week ago today and the second one will be breaking through before long. Daylight savings time has really thrown his schedule into a tailspin. He was sleeping until 8:30 or 9 in the morning, but now he's getting up at 6:30. :o( And his naps have been short...maybe 30 or 45 minutes. So he's been kinda cranky...and Mom's been kinda cranky with a cranky baby and not so much sleep herself.
As for me, this week has been really tiring. It could be that I am 8 weeks pregnant!! :o) I wasn't sure what to expect my first week as a full-time stay-at-home mom, but I definitely thought I'd accomplish more than I actually did. The biggest contributor to my lack of ambition has been the lack of energy. I remember from being pregnant with Adon how tired I was all the time, but at I don't remember being THIS tired. All of my energy is going to help new baby grow and trying to feed Adon. It doesn't help I've been getting up so early with Adon and not getting much of a nap, because he doesn't nap long. Please pray for wisdom and that the Holy Spirit would "fix" Adon's internal clock. Some of my big accomplishments for the week were to vacuum the entire house and to get most of the laundry done and to mostly keep up with the dishes. Whew! That was a challenge. Not to mention, J worked 15-hour clinical shifts on Friday and Saturday...I was so bored and lonely!! I hate when he's gone so much. I really miss him. I also had my first ob appointment this week. Baby #2's estimated due date is June 18...it will be the first June birthday in our family! Although I haven't gotten sick yet, I've definitely felt "unsettled" in my tummy. Goes with the territory, though. I'll post more later, but little man here needs to eat and go to bed...before he becomes even more cranky or "helps" me finish this post.