No, I'm not pregnant. :o) Please read this post that I found on my cousin's blog. I couldn't wait to post it on ours! It's 10 Great Reasons to Have Another Child. This is very much in line with the revelation God has given us about children. However, Reason #6 especially touched my heart in light of Gram being in the ICU for a week. She's been given a new life since last Friday!
An update on Gram...She was moved to a room on the neuro-science floor yesterday...PTL (Praise the Lord!)! The nurses are so loving and patient. They've taken her off of all of the oxygen, the monitors and the feeding tube!! Everyday brings baby steps on her road to recovery. She's a little more alert and a little easier to understand everyday. They've started some physical and occupational therapy to keep up her strength. The doctors are trying to help keep her body healthy so her brain can get healthy. She still doesn't remember everything...for she thought it was 1947, but she knew that George W. was president. But she called me by name when I visited her yesterday! :o) Thanks for all of your prayers.